January 22, 2020

$100 Room Challenge | Week 4: DIY Modern Art

Three day weekends should be an every weekend thing. I get more done around the house, I'm more productive at my day job, it's a win win for everyone. This past weekend I worked a little more on our hallway for the $100 Room Challenge Week 4 and started checking more off my "To-Do Before Baby" list.

Week 1: The Hallway Pt. 2 Befores
Week 2: The Natural Hallway Mood Board
Week 3: Painting the Hallway White

I love a good art piece, but more often than not I don't have the budget for it. Could I save up and make the budget for it? Yes. But there are more important things to be done in the house first. For this hallway I had my eye set on a few pieces from Block Shop Textile and fell in love with this one I showed you in the mood board.

One thing I like about that art piece is they hand make the paper and hand print the design, giving it a natural look. I thought about making my own paper but decided a canvas would be better because it would have glass like the gallery wall will. I keep a bunch of different size canvas' on hand just because I like to have them if inspiration strikes, my go-to is Walmart but Hobby Lobby also has great, bigger sizes.  Even though I decided to go with a canvas I still want to give it texture so I grabbed my modpodge and a newspaper, by ripping and scrunching pieces up I could paste them onto the canvas and then paint over then to give the illusion that it isn't just a plain flat canvas.

I sketched out the pattern and started pasting newspaper bits where I felt it needed some texture. After letting it dry for a day I painted it with regular 50¢ acrylic paint from Walmart.

Black Acryllic Paint
Matte Modpodge

I still need to frame it with some leftover pine board I have. It's as simple as cutting them and using the nail gun to secure it to the canvas.

I bought this wooden coat rack to put on the wall to the right of the closet. It was $30 on Amazon and is really sturdy! It came just in time to snap a photo of it, I'll put it up this weekend.

Wooden Coat Rack — $30

Total Spent: $30

Already Had
Canvas — $4
Black Acryllic Paint — $0.50
Matte Modpodge — $5.79
Newspaper — Free

January is flying by! Next week is reveal week and I still need to get the gallery wall frames and put them up, but I think that's doable. I'm also working on our half-bath on the side, so it'll be a full weekend for me.


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  1. What a great idea and I love the look of that artwork at the end of the hall. Looking forward to next week. How time flies!

    1. Thank you! I know right?! So glad we have 5 weeks this time!

  2. Your art is amazing and it looks like you purchased it from a high-end store! Great job.

  3. I love modern art projects they are so simple but the impact is always so powerful in a space. NIce jobl

  4. That looks expensive. Great job and great designing. Love it!

  5. I'm glad you went with the artwork at the end of the hall! It's the perfect graphic statement and I love how it turned out

  6. That really catches the eye without being busy. I think it is perfect there, framing it as you say will make it pop that much more. Great idea.

  7. I love this piece of art, you could totally sell it!


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