January 20, 2021

$100 Room Challenge | Week 2 & 3: Painting a Wall Mural

Week 2 was a total bust for me, ergo why there was no post. My plan was to tell you all about the wall mural I decided to do and have a little progress on starting it, but none of that happened. Week 3 however was very productive! 

Btw if you missed the befores (you didn't miss much) you can check out Week 1's post or if you don't know what the $100 Room Challenge is you can check out Erin's blog.

January 9, 2021

$100 Room Challenge | Week 1: Turning The Guest Room Into A Playroom

Every year I'm surprised when January rolls around and it's time for another $100 Room Challenge. This is my 9th (I definitely had to count that twice) round and each time I love stretching my creative juices and meeting new people in a short 4 weeks. Baby Jones is going to be 1 in April, I don't know where the time went, and he is itching to start getting around on his own. I moved some of his play things into our spare bedroom, but I think it's time to turn it into a formal playroom! 

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