March 27, 2018

The Guide to Everything We Did in San Francisco

Auston worked his butt off the past year to get us on the Panama/Costa Rica trip, and they did so well that we qualified for a small trip. So last week we spent a few days in San Francisco. It was both of our second times being there but we were both really young so it was great to experience the city with adult eyes. Spending 5 days and 4 nights we had a pretty well rounded trip and got to do all of the site seeing and relaxing we wanted to. So here's what we did, where we stayed, and most importantly everywhere we ate.

January 29, 2018

The Guide to Everything We Did in Panama & Costa Rica

You may have noticed I was pretty quite over on Instagram last week - well, we were in Panama & Costa Rica for a whole week! Last year Auston and my dad's insurance agency worked hard and did so good that they earned a two trips to Central America.  I don't like posting about it while we're gone, but we got back on Saturday and this week is going to be full of posting all the fun pictures (1,051 pictures to be exact) we took. Here's a quick guide to everywhere we stayed, everywhere we ate, and everything we did. Granted, for most people you'll be paying for all the lodging and extra curricular activities, so this is definitely not a budget-friendly recommendation guide.

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