February 9, 2016

Wedding Update: Venue Reveal

In the midst of all the wedding planning and studying for school and trying to graduate while simultaneously trying to find a job and still remain sane, we have made a TON of progress on wedding planning. We got all of the major issues booked, like the venue, caterer, photographer, and of course, my dress! And we did all of that in like the first month of planning, whew! I know. Having those big things checked off our list has let us focus on the details of the day/weekend.

After not much planning and deliberation, I knew that I wanted an incredibly small guest list. My sister had a huge wedding where our whole family and extended family and pretty much all friends and family from childhood were invited, and it was SUPER fun. But to me, I didn't get to enjoy the people and the festivities as much because there were people that were there who I haven't talked to in years, and that was something that I wanted to do. (Imagine my sister and brother-in-law trying to talk to everybody, it was crazy and they both hardly remember doing anything other than talking to people.)  I want a party with my closest friends and family, and when I say friends, I mean like 3 family friend families who are practically family. So all of that to say, our guest list is a strong 80. 

After making the guest list, we were able to make decisions on venues that were able to hold us and still provide an intimate but fun setting. Originally, I wanted the wedding to be outside 100%. That was mostly because I wanted the whole vineyard/barn thing, but after looking, I realized that was not really what I wanted. So the venue that we ended up with was a perfect mix between outside and inside.

I am a checklist person, it's how I get stuff done and feel accomplished. Here's what my Wedding Checklist looks like right now:

  • Venue
  • DJ
  • Photographer
  • Food (mostly)
  • Flowers
  • My Dress
  • Bridesmaids Dresses

Still Need To Do:
  • Groomsmen Suits
  • Finalize Menu
  • Decorations
  • Shoes (Mine + Bridesmaids)
  • Invitations

And now for you guys to see where we are gonna spend our special day!

Drumroll please (pause scrolling for dramatic effect)....

November 11, 2015

The Proposal

It has been a long time my readers. But for good reason. I GOT ENGAGED!!!! So that kind of changed all of the plans that I had for this week. I am still in shock and can't believe that I am finally in this stage of my life. But at the same time, I am so excited about it. Over the past few days, pretty much every single person I have told in person, whether I know them that much or not, has asked me one question: how did he do it? So in order to save you guys some time, and to brag on my fiance a bit, here is a little bit about how he proposed.

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