The second week of the One Room Challenge is all the planning and idea generating hours culminated into one short post. I have been thinking all week about what this room should feel/look like - and there are still a lot of unkowns haha. I'd like to do an accent wall treatment, but none of the walls lend themselves to do one. All of
my pins have dark walls, leather chairs, and of course wall treatments. Why can't you just do a wall treatment or paint the walls dark you ask? Among other excuses, the main one is we are most likely going to rent this house out and I would have to repaint any dark colors for renting purposes, but anything can happen in the next 4 weeks so we'll see.
Week 1: Home Office Befores
Studio McGee's photo is giving me so much inspiration in the colors, the way they mix metals, and the simpleness of the desk. We already have the swivel chair pictured in the mood board, and I was a little worried about how a chrome chair would fit into a room. But after studying photos of their offices I'm sure I can pair it with some warm brass pieces.